There are over 300 acupuncture points. Points go all the way from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. They are connected by a meridian system. Their connection allows each to have a unique function while still having them affect the entire body. Each point affects not only physical well being but emotional as well.
Acupuncture needles are as thin as a hair. And they don’t hurt! Acupuncture uses a solid or filiform needle made of stainless steel. All needles are sterile and single use.
Acupuncturists in NJ complete a 3-4 year graduate degree. Extensive training is involved in becoming an acupuncturist. In addition to an undergraduate degree, NJ requires acupuncturist complete their Master’s of Science in Acupuncture. They also undergo extensive board exams.
The Word Health Organization (WHO) endorses acupuncture. They completed a review of clinical trials and as a result of this review, recommend the use of acupuncture for over 200 conditions.
Acupuncture treatments are individualized and vary from patient to patient. If two patients come in for migraines, the selected points will be different. This is because Acupuncture looks at the whole body and everyone is different.
Acupuncture can be preventative! You don’t need to have anything “wrong” to come for acupuncture treatment. It can be used to prevent imbalances from occurring. Acupuncture decreases inflammation, aids in organ and cell detox, promotes circulation and boosts the immune system.
Cosmetic Acupuncture makes your skin look better! Cosmetic acupuncture reduces fine lines and wrinkles, reduces puffiness, and correct discoloration.
Acupuncture uses a body measurement system called Cun. Cun allow for a standard system of measurement that is adjustable to different body types and proportions. For example, the distance from your elbow to your wrist for all individuals is 12 Cun.
Microsystems in Acupuncture use small areas to treat the entire body. The ear is a good example of this. It is a powerful way to eliminate pain. Points are easy to locate and correlate with the body if you look at the ear as and upside down fetus with the head being the lobe of the ear.
Acupuncture has very few side effects. Typically the only negative side effects are small bruises, bleeding (a drop or two), or minor soreness. Other side effects are actually BENEFICIAL. Patient’s report sleeping better and less digestive complaints even when that isn’t the target of their treatment.
